Saturday, June 9, 2018

Will Truth-Telling Prevail?

Not if the elites have their way. The surfs can handle the truth in their minds. They have already considered de-popululation options.

".. It is not easy to be optimistic that truth will prevail. Everyone has been scared, especially Americans who have witnessed the utter destruction of the civil liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution. Americans know that as a people they are powerless in the face of the evil that is Washington. The police/warfare state has Americans on the run. If they do not turn and fight, they will lose the truth and become the slaves that the ruling elite intends them to be, along with the Europeans, British, Canadians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorans, Australians, Brazilians, Japanese, Koreans, and even Russians and Chinese. Yes, the arrogance of “American exceptionalism” goes that far..."

Yes, between the elite, deep state and the military (and clueless politicians) .. they all want what they want at your expense and even your death. This is the resolve that evil has in the US and globally.

".. Truth is under assault everywhere in the Western world. It is difficult to speak truth in America, where it is protected by the First Amendment. In European countries where it is not constitutionally protected, speaking the truth can put a person in prison. For example, in Italy criticism of the president can be declared “villification of the head of state” and send a person to prison for 15 years. In England it can be “slander” and “libel” and can bankrupt you. France is joining the suppression of free speech with a “fake news law” that will protect official explanations from challenge ..."


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