Thursday, June 7, 2018

Are We Born Equal? NEVER Can Man Make Everyone Equal? NEVER .. What CAN We Do?

Tom Woods points out:
"The point of the passage I quoted yesterday was that no matter how much you redistribute, some people will always be wealthier than others. Meanwhile, you have empowered a merciless machine of coercion and compulsion, and opened the floodgates to some of the most horrific crimes of the 20th century."

If your goal is to make the poor better off, just say that. Don't say you're pursuing "equality."

Some people will be more talented than others, some will have better luck, and some will be raised in more engaged families. To bring about "equality," you will have to go to war with all of these things.
Fruits of your talents:
A great many left-liberal philosophers absolutely do insist that you are not entitled to the fruits of your talents. You are certainly not entitled to the fruits of luck. (There is a whole literature on this!)
Values of family:
And as for the family, John Rawls could barely bring himself to assure people that he doesn't really think he needs to advocate abolishing the family.
History helps .. REAL history:
Try as you might to put a lid on it, the idea of equality takes on a life of its own. It was even used to justify busing kids 90 minutes each way in order to achieve "racial balance" in schools. Result: schools became war zones, the students hated each other, the local patriotisms built up around local schools atrophied, and eventually even the NAACP declared this to be a stupid and destructive idea that should be discontinued immediately.
Bottom line .. what we CAN do:
The only sense in which "equality" can be useful is this: everyone is equally forbidden to initiate physical force against anyone else.

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