Saturday, June 2, 2018

What Changed?

Most people today can't comprehend why:
1) Black slaves did not full scale revolt, especially after all the men left the plantations to fight in Lincoln's war
2) That thousands of Black slaves travelled with their masters to the front lines and even fought as Confederate soldiers (for the SAME pay as whites, blacks in Union army did not get that benefit) AND received pensions for their service.
3) That 200 blacks in Richmond, VA volunteered to fight on the SOUTHERN SIDE in 1861 after they heard Lincoln called UP 75,000 volunteers to invade the seven southern states South of VA and NC.
4) Even as slaves, a majority of blacks saw the North not as liberators (remember, the North had just offered the South guaranteed perpetual slavery) but as Invaders!

".. the 13th Amendment to the Constitution proposed in early 1861. This Amendment would have prohibited the abolition of slavery and made the practice permanent. It was approved by both the House and the Senate and endorsed by the new president, Abraham Lincoln. But when Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor was fired on by Confederate artillery, this 13th Amendment was shelved. In December 1865, roughly a year after the South surrendered, a second 13th Amendment, this one outlawing slavery, was ratified and this is the one usually reported by historians..."

Why would the SAME people/party want permanent slavery .. and four years later, no slavery? In 1861 their power / position and revenue was threatened, in 1865 after bringing an extremely violent war against BOTH southern armies AND innocent civilians and had total control did they make slavery illegal. Note that there was little migration of ex-slaves north after the war, this same people / party didn't want them competing for jobs with whites in the north SO they were promised power and control .. but we're actually puppets of these same pet / party until the end of Reconstruction in 1877.

So the war was about .... money and control. When the southern seven states left the united States Confederacy, the remaining states felt threatened economically about their future and offered perpetual slavery to temp them to return. Not one state took that bait.

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