Saturday, June 9, 2018

Team or Lone Wolf (or Both)

Being unique is cool .. having thoughts that not many others understand is OK .. you are probably a critical thinker. You see red flags where others don't, you tend to read people well and know who to trust and who not to trust.

On the other hand are the benefits of tribes, of community (healthy ones) .. many hand make light work is what I have heard and experienced. A healthy team is an awesome experience!

There is a lot to learn in nature about true visionary/leader wolves who sacrificially circle on the outside of the pack .. (more on that in another post).

Here is a stat that shows what happens sometimes POST "team":

"..In the case of US veterans, they’re committing suicide at the rate of over 20 deaths per day — nearly one every hour. And they’re dying of opioid drug overdoses at twice the rate of the civilian population. While there are many reasons behind this, Junger is convinced from his research that “leaving the tribal closeness of the military and returning to an alienating and bitterly divided modern society” is a root cause..."

".. Does anyone else in your life share your concerns for the future?

Is there someone you talk with regularly about the unsustainability of our current economic and ecological trajectories?

Do you have friends and/or family members who support your efforts to develop a more resilient lifestyle?.. "

We we're designed for community BUT don't grab the 1st one that comes along!

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