Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Just Know - You Need to start Thinking and Planning with This in Mind!

"..I've sat right in front of someone in broad daylight motionless in plain sight at 20 yards while they, even with binoculars and looking intently, didn't see us, in our MARPAT green. We were taking pictures of him, he was calling his cartel boss to tell them "there is no one watching here". We were close enough to hear his side of the cell phone convo. 
MARPAT works..."

Among other things in this article .. it is high time you get out in nature and take a walk and be observant of the nature around you .. and how others may see you in the future:
If you can be seen, you can be shot. 
If you can be shot, you can be killed.
True story ...
Anything that keeps anyone else from seeing you or detecting your presence. And nowadays, as the tech percolates down to even sport hunters, you need to be thinking in terms of visible light, heat image, and near-infrared night vision
Yes, IR sensors pick up body heat and that will need to be minimized
Cover is concealment, with a special difference: it not only blocks you from being seen, but far more importantly, other people can't shoot through it... What stops shrapnel, and most bullets not fired from cannon, is 2-3' of dirt, gravel, or solid rock. Six inches of reinforced concrete wall will stop most shrapnel and nearly all forms of 5.56 to 7.62 slugs; unless there's also a lot of other bullets flying in behind the first one. Two to three feet of sandbags or heavy soil stops just about everything but artillery blasts.
Very important to understand the basic physics here ..
Concealment or cover are what you find. Camouflage is something you can do to help yourself.
Ten things give you away, and you have to defeat each of them to be truly camouflaged.
1. Movement
2. Shape
3. Shadow
4. Shine
5. Contrast
6. Color
7. Noise
8. Smell
9. Tracks
10. Trash
Lead cancer from incoming will kill you much faster than skin cancer.
From:  https://raconteurreport.blogspot.com/2018/05/basic-training-camouflage-concealment.html

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