Sunday, April 26, 2015

Learning to Live Relationally Free

Learning to Live Relationally Free (#483) | The God Journey

Do you prove your a Christian by your attendance at a traditional Sunday morning event?

What if the business model / income stream that the religious-industrial complex is more an institution and not really a family thing?

To manipulate and obligate people to "just show up" seems to run contrary to Jesus' way to touch lives and share of His Father's love.

Living generously .. living loved .. the bottom line.

Podcast at link above.

"... One of our listeners said it best: “Religion makes you relationally challenged.” That it does, making us far more preoccupied with getting people to do what we want so we can feel safe and comfortable. Untangling all of that and learning to live more focused on others than ourselves is an amazing work God does to help us experience the treasure of real relationships that are honest, gentle and loving. Wayne takes a look at the kind of language and activity that actually subverts the relationships we desire so that we can better see how God is shaping us so that we can love others where they are and yet not be victims of their fears or insecurities. Living relationally free is the fruit of God working in us so that we have less need to manipulate others for our own desire, or to be manipulated by them for theirs..."