Sunday, May 6, 2018

Study: Greens Think They Have a 'Moral License' to Pollute

Rubush/Trash Left Behind by Pipeline Protestors

,, and here is why:

"... Tom Jacobs of Pacific Standard magazine goes into some of the reasons for this disconnect:

"Hall and his colleagues can only speculate about the reasons for their results. But regarding the concerned but inactive, the psychological phenomenon known as  moral licensing is a likely culprit.

Previous research has found doing something altruistic—even buying organic foods—gives us license to engage in selfish activity. We’ve “earned” points in our own mind. So if you’ve pledged some money to Greenpeace, you feel entitled to enjoying the convenience of a plastic bag.

Regarding climate change skeptics, remember that conservatism prizes individual action over collective efforts. So while they may assert disbelief in order to stave off coercive (in their view) actions by the government, many could take pride in doing what they can do on a personal basis."

The noisy moralists in our society are the worst in personal follow-through .. imagine that!

"...This "moral license" to pollute goes hand in hand with a towering moral egoism that justifies trying to destroy people who disagree with them by claiming to be right and their enemies wrong. Anything is OK as long as it protects the planet. And if one's carbon footprint is a little too deep, it's a small price to pay in service to the cause..."

Here is a one word summary: Morons

Link follows:

Study: Greens Think They Have a 'Moral License' to Pollute | Trending

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