Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Moral Superiority Claims - BEWARE

"..Those who rise to positions of power, respect and prestige are faced with many temptations. Some succumb to those temptations after achieving their high positions. Others achieved their positions while hiding behind a veneer of respectability, while secretly having already succumbed to immoral or illegal behavior.

In my six decades of life, I have seen many people in high positions fall. Some fell from grace after their deaths, as the truth of their misdeeds, or their moral failings has come to light. Some fell from grace while still in the middle of their power, or position, or fame...

... I have always been suspicious of those who claim to be morally, intellectually or ethically superior to others. Why do they need to make such claims? Who are they trying to convince; themselves or others? I always felt they were taking onto themselves the mantle of virtues they lacked themselves. Maybe I’m wrong, but my suspicions have often been justified. I never trusted Richard Nixon, for instance.

Actions speak louder than words. It is an old axiom, but a wise one.

Morally bankrupt individuals, who seek power for power’s sake, can never be trusted. It is obvious they will do anything to gain, or retain, power. George H. W. Bush, his son, Dubya, and Bill and Hillary Clinton come to mind in this respect. They somehow believed they had a right to be President; as if it were some preordained summons from on high. They sought power for power’s sake.

Lord Acton once said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men,…”. It is best to heed his words. No man, or woman, is perfect, but those who are most corruptible, in my opinion, are those who seek power. Psychopaths and sociopaths seek power. Those who seek power, and control, over others are not to be trusted, as they always have a secret, dark agenda.

Beware of the power seekers, and watch closely those who hold the reins of power. Beware of those who claim superiority."


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