Thursday, April 5, 2018

Righteous Cause Mythology (or How the Union Claimed the Upper Ground)

It seems that even 150 years later, the General Government of the USA (now known as the Federal Government .. but is hardly "federal" or "federated" by nature) has claimed the high ground in the moral defense of invading the South to "free the slaves".

Ever since this event, those that aligned with the US Government to promote their agenda to keep their reputation pristine ... and even lately, the "honorable" historians like McPherson and other seem to:

".. dismiss all other issues even when such factors are evident by comparing the US and Confederate constitutions. For example, the Southern central government was prohibited from (1) imposing protective tariffs, (2) spending taxpayer money on public works, and (3) subsidizing private industries. Although Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas joined the Confederacy and doubled its White population only after the Federal government required they provide soldiers to invade the Cotton States, Righteous Cause historians insist that the four upper-south states also fought only for slavery..."

You can tell a lot about the other person when there is a split in a relationship (business or personal) .. for what they focus on a lot in their next endeavor is usually what caused the split in the previous relationship. A differing in mission, vision and shared goals are all exposed in the next chapter of that person's or business' life .. so too with the southern states that divorced from the Union .. first there were seven, then based on the reaction of the general government with the calling up of 75,000 men there were four more states that managed to secede ( and a couple more states that were "restrained" by Lincoln in doing so, Maryland by Abe's imprisonment of pro-southern legislators and Delaware where Abe had the army place cannon aimed at Dover's capital ).

The "Righteous Cause" is a myth, the Union had no intention of assisting the black people anywhere. One could say that Lincoln freed the slaves by accident as this was a by-product of a war to keep these eleven states in the Union. Sounds like spousal abuse to me!

Righteous Cause Mythology | Abbeville Institute

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