Sunday, February 18, 2018

American Morons

To be sure, the British Empire would have loved to have the current set of Americans back in 1775 when they marched on Lexington and Concord in the Massachusetts colony in search of the militia's guns .. the 2018 obsession with "gun-free" zones to "keep people safe" would have worked in the Brit's favor.

Consider the logic as pointed out by Thomas DeLorenzo at the LRC Blog:

"There’s a big pro-gun-control in a nearby town where sheeple are “protesting” over the recent incident where another mass shooting occurred at a gun-controlled, “gun-free zone” at a Florida school.  Here’s their “logic”:

  • Every one of these mass shootings at a public school has been at a school that is a “gun-free zone,” usually by law.
  • Everyone knows this.
  • Therefore, to deter such tragedies in the future we need more gun-free-zones at schools, just like the one in Florida where the most recent mass shooting occurred."

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