Recap #8 of the book:
The Swamp Fox - How Francis Marion Saved the American Revolution
[The last snippet I stopped before the end of the chapter .. keeping a train of thought overnight is tough ... for an old guy LOL .. especially when it involves watching '13 Hours' ... yeah, no way I could have got back into the Swamp Fox last night after watching that .. was too ticked at how our government uses our "patriotic nation worshiping" men as pawns and cannon fodder .. it continues to be a very sick joke while Bushes, Clintons and such reap the rewards as well as those with ties to the deep-state and MIC .. but I digress ..]
When I left off with snippet 7, Marion had just dispersed Ball and acquired a steed for himself ... so to continue:
5) (I think) Immediately after Black Mingo Marion wanted to target Wigfall and his group of Tories (Wigfall had served w/ Marion but was publicly identified as have not been up to his standard in his service at that time early in the war .. no surprise when this man of little principle switched to the Tories later). This was a force of 50 that was located at Salem Black River Pres. Church BUT due to Marion's men wanting to get home to rebuild their burnt out homes before winter, he had to back off that plan. As it turned out, Wigfall was too scared of Marion to venture out anyway .. so it was just as well.
6) While the rebel effort stalled Cornwallis' attempt to proceed toward VA, he was now located in Charlotte, NC and had Weymss still in Camden to make one more sweep of the Williamsburg district to finally take care of the rebel efforts in SC so he could join Cornwallis. On the same day Cornwallis gave the order for Weymss to go after Marion, King Mountain happened .. 1000 rebel mountain-men (NC/TN mountain-men with some militia from VA, GA, NC and SC) whipped 1000 loyalists at this SC mountain location near the NC border. 30% of the loyalists were killed/wounded and 600 were captured. The only non-American participant, the loyalists' leader Brit commander Patrick Ferguson had six rifle balls in him and his foot got caught in his stirrup so the horse dragged his body and broke many of his bones .. he was then was stripped naked as the men called for Tarleton's Revenge and were even shooting the wounded and surrendering loyalists until rebel leaders got control of their men. 36 loyalists were tried and convicted or treason and 6 were hanged before the balance were reprieved.
7) King Mountain made Corwallis' left flank exposed .. Marions' actions meant his right flank was exposed. Cornwallis actually feared Marion the most and so he withdrew from Charlotte (where he was harassed by locals) to Winnsboro (30 miles west of Camden, SC) for winter camp and promptly came down with a fever/cold so bad he could not hold a pen. His 2nd in command, Irish born head of the Volunteers of Ireland loyalist regiment Francis Rawdon (age 25) was now temporarily in charge. Weymss was told to stay in Camden instead of going after Marion.
"This message has been intercepted by the NSA: the only branch of government that listens"
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