Recap #1 of the book:
The Swamp Fox - How Francis Marion Saved the American Revolution
As promised ... here is the 1st of several snippets that will give you a flavor of the caliber of this book.
1) I can't believe how much the SC part of the revolutionary conflict was a war among themselves ... Whigs (patriots) could change into a Tory (loyalist) overnight IF they were done wrong ... and I thought the Israelites were fickle .. even some of the early patriots faded away in 1780 when the British humiliated the American forces in Charleston that May.
2) The character in the movie The Patriot is a combination of Francis Marion (Swamp Fox) in eastern SC, Thomas Sumter in central SC and Andrew Pickens in the northwest mountainous part of SC dealing with the indians (Cherokees sided with British, other tribes with patriots)
3) August 16, 1780 was SC's darkest hour as former hero of Saratoga in the north (Gen Gates) fled like a pansy after he went head-to-head with the British in open field .. turns out the 5'2" 110 pound Francis (physique of a 13 yo) [NOTE: never called the Swamp Fox in his lifetime ] got lucky 2x .. the 1st time when he injured his ankle getting out of that officer's house in Charleston and therefore avoided capture in May 1780, he also was sent on a mission by Gates on August 15, 1780 to assist the patriots in the Williamsburg, SC area .. Scotch-Irish Presbyterians are fiercely independent and dislike external authority.
4) Francis was a French Huguenot .. but his grandfather came across with that background but by 1780 Francis was an Anglican. He was the youngest in his family .. tried being a sailor but the ship to the West Indies capsized and he was adrift for days and returned to SC. Eventually his oldest brother Gabriel sold him land adjacent to his own and Francis did the rice/indigo thing (pre-cotton) and did pretty good. He never married until he was in his mid-50s after the war.
5) August 18, 1780, Thomas Sumter's partisan band of 800 were surprised by Banastre Tarleton's force of 160 on horses and he like Gates escaped to North Carolina ..
It was in this pit that Francis Sumter became SC's freedom fighter ... on his own. He tried to communicate with Gen Gates (Continental Army Southern Command) but he rarely got a reply much less any support. Over the next two years SC would be the hotspot .. and at the end of the day, 20% of the Revolutionary War deaths would be in SC
Does that set the scene or what? :)
"This message has been intercepted by the NSA: the only branch of government that listens"
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