Sunday, March 18, 2018

Britannica - Empire --> UK, Canadian, American, Australian and Kiwi

A big picture article to show that again, or should I say, still .. whites are a minority on this planet .. and in a perfect world this would not be a big deal except, for all the diversity language spoken these days it seems that white is the one color left out. The pendulum has shifted as 200 years ago it was the blacks and American Indians (and others globally) who were left out. I consider this "blowback" for many of the governmental policies over the past few centuries.

Looking at South Africa these days and seeing the very whites that gave up apartheid having their land and property stolen from them says this tide is coming ... and from a human point of view it is indeed scary.

Enter an opinion from someone UK based that has seen the influx of migrants and how that changes societies and their priorities ... it is worth the read as this flood will ultimately impact this country sooner than later. This author sees four distinct groups (not necessarily by race BUT by characteristics) below ..

  1. Reavers - are invaders, plain and simple. It is all they do and all they have ever done. Their scriptures are a step-by-step manual for conquest. They see female non-Reavers as free-range slave girls. The male non-Reavers they see as chattel, particularly when gelded. 
  2. Hypnotarians - They have three settings on their dial: Obtuse, Hypocritical and Enraged. They currently infest and control media and publishing and most of the medical, pharmaceutical, food, entertainment and communication cartels. They live and die by the opinions of others and are driven by an insatiable need to fix what is not broken, then broadcast their attempt on social media. They have no ability to discern the difference between vanity and self-esteem.
  3. Rulers - Rulers have always been with us. They are the politicians and bureaucrats, bosses, coaches, and princes of the church. From president to team leader to head cheerleader they don’t necessarily love the group but are more than willing to tell the group where they should go. They love taking meetings. They are fluent in corporate-speak. They live to manipulate and dominate. Their dearest wish would be the ability to legislate and regulate love.
  4. Spiritual Pragmatists - We have no name for ourselves that has ever been formally codified, for we love our freedom too much to waste an afternoon in some boardroom honing our logo, instructing a PR team, defining our brand. There’s no need—the rest of us recognise one another immediately at a hundred paces.  Our weakness: the rest of us have been self-determining individuals for too long. We are out of practice aligning with any group and out of patience with any diktat imposed by a group. The bad news is Reavers, Rulers and Hypnotarians are in the ascendency, and the victor will be one of those groups. Freedom is out of style and the rest of us are very much a day late and many dollars short in the war that is coming. At our best, the rest of us are the keepers of the holy fire and the sacred flame. We live, as our antecedents taught, in order to learn more, create better, birth beauty and laugh freely without fear of lawsuit or incarceration if we are overheard. Because our minds are open, we always have the better turn of phrase and do not tend to hit people with bike locks when we are lost for words. We keep the old traditions alive. Generally, we give others the benefit of the doubt. We rejoice in our shared heritage and aspirations. For what it’s worth, I like to think of us as Spiritual Pragmatists.


"... I step back, close my eyes and see a larger picture: an empire that transcends British, Canadian, American, Australian and Kiwi. We aren’t allowed to discuss this empire anymore unless in the most pejorative of terms, and are first discouraged, then threatened if we ever point out any positive aspect of it. We who can claim blood kinship to this empire are now expected to crawl and cower and apologise for being born the way we are. This empire is the most remarkable, adaptable, astonishing, beautiful, innovative race recorded history has ever seen, and these days it has a target on its back. If you are white and speak English, hark this: you are marked. You’re in the Devil’s fattening pen. In the firing line. On the chopping block. And no one is coming to rescue you.

My country is merely the harbinger, for you and your country are next.

I love America. I think about Lewis and Clark all the time, as well as how gobsmacked all the writers, painters, poets and explorers must have been when attempting to tally the unimaginable riches of your awakening land. The gigantic American elms, virgin vistas, crystal clear waters alive with fish, passenger pigeons so numerous they blotted out the sun. Many observers record that one flock was so large it took three days to migrate. The first colonists surely must have believed abundance on this scale was essentially limitless, so much so that a thousand generations would be unable to make even a dent in it...

... We had it so good for so long that we can certainly be excused for thinking we know best, that endless resources would be on tap forever and that once we made it clear to the rest of the world how great we are, how beneficent we can be, how surely we have our shit together, they would clamour to be just like us.

The hubris of abundance is the number one reason why the majority of lottery winners burn though their money in record time. The last lonely passenger pigeon was shot by accident in 1901. The giant elms, after indiscriminate felling and disease, are no more. Women of classic Caucasian/European/Anglo-Saxon descent in their prime childbearing years—counting prime as between the ages of fifteen to thirty-five—currently number 2.1% of total world population. Aside from really redefining the word minority, this fact alone ought to give us pause..."

Pause and reflection are a good thing. To think proactively, to strategize and to train for the days when having a plan B, C and D may come in very beneficial for our kids and grandkids.

The grim prophetic vision he shares is a tad pessimistic:

".. Reavers, Rulers and Hypnotarians are all groups and Spiritual Pragmatists are not, and this is why we will lose. I know Americans have guns and plenty of them, it’s true. America will be able to forestall the inevitable longer than any other English speakers on the planet and that’s got to be worth something. It may even buy you enough time to enact a partition deal and create a new home for yourselves. It could happen. But not in my country. My country is lost, it’s just that most of my countrymen do not know it yet..."

In conclusion, he shares: ".. There’s lots of things I wish were different in the world. I wish no one had to live in fear, suffer under dictatorship, survive a war, be hungry, hunted, molested, mutilated, tortured or enslaved, but I would happily settle for only this: a place to live where I am not hated for the colour of my skin, and the wisdom to never, ever risk throwing it all away."

Yes, scary, but then we reflect on a time when a very, very small speck of people who had found how to love others as they had been loved started getting traction in a brutal empire, the Roman Empire. Christianity (not the religion, but Jesus-following) was spread through the Roman Empire by the early followers of Jesus although saints Peter and Paul are said to have established the church communities in homes in Rome, most of the early Christian communities were in the east: Alexandria in Egypt, as well as Antioch and Jerusalem. Christianity gained adherents among both Jews and non-Jews, bringing them together with a message of unity before God.

Because Christianity was so diffuse, and also illegal and therefore kept underground, it is hard to speak of a united “Christianity” in this period.  The Christ-followers actions, however, was largely unacceptable to conservative Romans of the time. The Romans were a religious people, but many saw Christianity as a threat to their religious system. Unlike members of other new religions, Christians refused to sacrifice to the gods, proclaiming instead that there was only one God. Pagan Romans were not only offended by this, but also felt it threatened their society. They believed that society was protected by the pax deorum: the peace, or agreement, with the gods. The gods protected
cities, towns, and empires in exchange for sacrifice and worship. Since Christians refused to do these things, the pagans believed that the Christians endangered themselves and everyone around them.

In addition, because Christians refused to worship or sacrifice to the emperor, they were suspected of treason. Christians held that the emperor was only a man, and that worship had to be reserved for God and Christ, but to pagans and representatives of the Roman state this seemed very suspicious. Many rumors spread about Christians. They were accused, perhaps due to garbled understandings of the Eucharist, of being cannibals. Early Christians celebrated the agape, a “love feast.” While such feasts celebrated brotherly and sisterly love among all members of the church, rumors spread that the Christians were practicing open sex and incest.

Nonetheless, most emperors preferred to turn a blind eye toward Christianity. If Christians stirred up trouble, especially by publicly refusing to worship the gods, they would be punished, but for the most part, emperors and their officials had much more important matters occupying their time.

There were of course sporadic persecutions. The first took place very early on in Rome, in 64 AD, when Emperor Nero cracked down on the Christians of the city. He had some Christians thrown to the beasts, and he had others burned alive— some, supposedly, in his garden, to act as torches at night. But Nero seems to have been using the Christians as scapegoats for the Great Fire of Rome, which consumed much of the city, and which the populace suspected Nero of having started.

For the next century or so, persecutions of Christians were sporadic and fairly rare. When Pliny the Younger, a Roman author and magistrate, toured the eastern provinces for Emperor Trajan and asked how to deal with Christians, the emperor advised him not to seek out Christians, but only to punish those who stand accused by their neighbors based on hard evidence. Some Christians were executed, but rooting out Christianity was not a major concern of the state. Some persecution also probably happened on the local level in times of hardship or disaster, when the Christian refusal to sacrifice to the gods made them easy scapegoats.

So is this our future? Are you ready? Are our kids ready?

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